Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Christos & jean Claude

Pink Gender

In Western culture, the practice of assigning pink to an individual gender began in the 1920s[12] or earlier.[13] An article in the trade publication Earnshaw's Infants' Department in June 1918 said: "The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl."[14] From then until the 1940s, pink was considered appropriate for boys because being related to red it was the more masculine and decided color, while blue was considered appropriate for girls because it was the more delicate and dainty color
Wikipedia - PINK

Pink thoughts

The colour of love
Can Pink be serious
Why is military hardware not pink

Can practical things be made in pink

Animals - Flamingo, Cockatoo, Pig, Mole

Pink associated with weakness

Hands - soft part of body
Pink - has very bodily feel - flesh

Natural world - Flowers = cherry blossom (vaginas)

Would you wear pink?

Visibility - too obvious, attracts attention
Would stand out in wild, Open to predatory attack..... which is probably why its not used
 in military hardware

Feminist movements reclaiming pink
Code Pink Woman for Pink

Pink for girls, blue for boys

Pink dollar

Men In The Pink

Why real macho men are proud to wear pink

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Pink Ideas

There is something alluring about pink. Maybe that’s because psychologically it is known to have a calming effect. Or maybe it’s because pink is complimentary to most skin tones, unless you already have a lot of pink tone in your skin (like me). Or maybe it’s because a man who wears pink exudes confidence, yet is sensitive. It could be as simple as the fact that pink is easy to coordinate with almost every color in your wardrobe--it goes amazingly well with greys, tans, black, navys and other blues tones. And lastly, if you're still not convinced how great pink is, women love pink and are more likely to give you a second glance. So give pink a try if you haven’t already. I have outlined four ways you can incorporate this magical color into your wardrobe. Daniel Billet - Mens Grooming Guide

DAY 3 Double lives

Why do some people dress up? Why do we want to be someone else. What are we concealing and what are we exposing. Some may be afraid, whilst others may be exuberant, the costume aids in the quest to play in another scene from life's rich theatre. Some may be making a strong socio-political statement whilst others choose to dress to escape and some simply love to play. Whatever our reasons its part of my life and others.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Richard Phillips

Interesting take on the burning bush

The Burning Bush

2011.....And I am left wondering how does one make art out of the essence of this violent reality?  Its all same same but different... the time and place is irrelevant as the reality is always the same.
Therefore if the bush were to burn - the manifested light light that does not consume, then perhaps I AM WHO I AM may come and shed clarity on these turbulent times and with miraculous energy light a new path


Thinking of propelling myself out there, using this thing called a blog. Watch this space evolve. Who knows what will come of it, but I am sure something will come or go.