Thursday, 6 September 2012

Oiticica in London

I reread my texts: hermaphrodipotesis* is the one that affects me the most: it is the meaning of everything, creleisure included: sex does not exist as a concept ( the clothes are always made unisex: i make parangole clothing) - homo and hetero are the same and never existed as something real: they are the shadow cast by social oppression.
*referring to his own text of Jan 1969 'Discovery of the Hermaphrodipotesis" in which he wrote ...everyone should be self enchanted, as if in a hermaphrodite activity....Hermaphroditize your acts and you will be self-enchanted, and sexier, and have appetite for everything

pg 18, Oiticica In London, Guy Brett & Luciano Figueiroedo, Tate Publishing, 2007

Parangole Capes - capes of multi color an exhibitions of Hélio’s work, which permitted the public to wear and explore them. Out of a plain three-metre length of fabric of bright colour ‘each person must build on the body a structure, uniting the edges and extremes with safety pins’. Oiticica stressed that each cape should be removable without disturbing the pins, so that it can be handed on to someone else, who will ‘wear’ it and activate it in a different way. He emphasised the desirability of participation by a heterogeneous public.
 In the 60's Hélio Oiticica created "Parangolé", a cape made of a colorful fabric that can have poems written on it or pictures. It can only be revealed through the gestures and movements of the person that wears it. Therefore, the spectator of this work becomes a participant and the "Parangolé" becomes a mobile sculpture.

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